Channel: Recount Tickets
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Buff/Debuff tracking check boxes does not work.

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. 2. 3.What is the expected output? What do you see instead? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm checking...

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Hide recount during pet battles (includes code to do it)

What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?Simple addition to hide the display during pet battles because it causes a lot of conflict with my setup.Please provide any additional...

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Necrotic strike heals absorbed.

Hello !I noticed Necrotic Strike is back as level 46 honor talent for Unholy DK, but recount can't record it yet. Could you improve it to make an option to merge enemy heals absorbed with damage? Or...

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Recount hidden satyr enchant

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Dealing dmg 2.Proc satyr 3.Satyr attakWhat is the expected output? What do you see instead? The satyr is listed as an additional person (name: no one) .The dmg...

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Recount not tracking some items.

What is the issue?Recount is not tracking some enchants / items, so it is hard to get an actual gage on dps increasePlease provide any additional information below.Mark of the Hidden Satyr enchant does...

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Affliction Warlock DPS

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Spawn Soul Effigy 2. Complete Boss Fight 3. Compare meter that was read by the lock with meter that was read by anyone else in the groupWhat is the expected...

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Recount Beast mastery hunter

While playing my beast mastery hunter i realized that my damage was lower than other hunters.  So while going through some investigative measures I realized that kill command was on my pets damage and...

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DTPS Realtime Enhancement

What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?Having a clone of the DTPS realtime graph specific to the user that splits damage sources into physical and magic would be a huge boon to...

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Holadins shocks

What steps will reproduce the problem? Data mined from combat log are incorrect.What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Recount counts holy shock crits as half or something like that....

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Greater Blessin of Might DAMAGE recording

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?Their damage or other effects should be attributed to the Enhancement/Retribution playerGBOM damage should record as paladin dps even if cast on a...

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Holy Pala: Light of the Martyr

What steps will reproduce the problem?"Light of the Martyr" do not includet to Paladin Heal (other Addons is this ok)What version of the product are you using? up to dateDo you have an error log of...

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Unable to use Recount after Battleground Queue

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. For both this and Skada,when I queue for Battlegrounds, it produces an error and then purges the Damage Counting Screen from my UI and I'm unable to recover...

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Game is telling me it has encountered a lot of Errors asking me to turn it off

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.On A BeastMaster Hunter 2.When Multishot is fired to enable Beast Cleave 3.And the pets beast cleaving (AoE DPS)What is the expected output? What do you see...

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Devilsaur Bite damage...with no devilsaur

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.recount is recording an unknown damage  type as Devilsaur's Bite for Hunter's 2.take any non-Devilsaur pet and dps 3.What is the expected output? What do you...

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Can't leave combat

When Recount is active, I can't leave combat. When I log out and disable everything is fine.  Seems like there was a DL for WoW When I logged in tonight. Maybe that is affecting it?What steps will...

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numbers overlapping on details page

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Generate 100k+ damage from a particular attack 2.open recount detail page 3. Notice: numbers for attack damage overlap, making it difficult to understandWhat...

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Damage made by Blessing of Might is Wrongly Attribute

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Group with a Ret Paladin get buffed with Greater Blessing of Might. 2. Do some damage. 3. View damage sources.What is the expected output? What do you see...

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Death log does lots of useless work

Right now AddCurrentEvent creates formatted health + health percent log lines for every event so they can go into death log later. 99% of time it is wasted work because those lines will be pushed away...

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Recount doesn't show everything

Hello,I recently saw that my new rogue abilty, thanks ty my prodigious weapon which is called "drakkari soul" isn't shown on recount dps. So  I was curious to know how my dps it added to my rotation...

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Stoneskin Totem

Just a simple question/request. Is there any way you can add stoneskin totems absorbs to Healing done rather then Friendly Fire ? It is a really good talent now and would be nice to be able to track...

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